Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Just got back from my trip in Adelaide, which i am going to blog about later. Jooyee told me about this "Pay Per Post" thingy which i found quite interesting mainly because.....well i get paid for blogging. I dont know how much i'll end up earning or whether ill be earning at all but i've been thinking a lot about my finances recently and while im still feeding off my parents, i feel bad if i have to use their money unnecessarily to buy things to I love ie. basketball gear or video games. Since i have just quit my job recently and looking how stressful third year was, i doubt i want to start work again during fourth year.

So why am I even writing this post? To try to stop my bad habits of having long non-writing periods for my blog, because i want to keep my blog as something interesting to read consistently not just for other ppl but for myself. It was initially meant to be an online journal for me as well. I always have trouble expressing or opening up to other ppl (except certain ppl) about my thoughts and ideas on things happening around the world or things happening around my world. Hopefully ill manage this time.

Ok i half-lied. PayPerPost requires the blog to not have a 30 day non-writing period within the last 90 days. So here's my start. Plus all the things ive mentioned =P