Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Stressful Semester

A straightforward topic that says it all. This semester has been crazy for me. I've never had so many things to do in a month, and it just piles up on you until the submission date. I'm talking about design of course. I didn't like the way the second half of the semester is structured cause i had a few problems or faults in my design, but I didn't get the chance of correcting it. It only created more and more stress for me because the faults became more severe as we got more detailed into the design. to make things worst, guest critiques who were supposed to help us with our structure, starting pissing us off by poking our designs instead. Everything built up to a long season of sleepless nights, all-nighters and heart-pumping stress and panic attacks. Non-architectural ppl probably wont understand what im talking about but hey, blogs are for rants and ramblings right? (Maybe)

Source of my pain - Station Pier ferry terminal

Despite that, i managed to pull through thanks to some great support from my family and friends and most important Deedoo who was there for me to encourage me and all the other small things that help reduce my stress. The final presentation wasn't actually too bad, like i said i already knew a few faults in my design and i was ready to take the critism for it. However the critiques were very polite in their speech and they also pointed out a few good things in my design, which is always a huge plus. Overall reward still didnt equal effort, but i am relieved with the way things turned out in the end.

Now, with only 2 exams remaining, im relaxing and studying hard at the same time to make sure i dont fail and graduate and not disappoint my parents when they come over to see me next month. I might sound contradicting putting relax and studying together, but hey after experiencing design this year, studying is relatively relaxing.