Saturday, October 18, 2008



If you are half the geek i am, you probably recognize this from the Worms series. (unfortunately i couldnt get a screenshot of it in action :P). I seem to have developed some kind of phobia/reflex system towards this weapon of destruction. No matter where i am, ppl seem to enjoy prodding me (probably due to the fact that i have a very sensitive area near the hip) and see me jump a few centimeters off the ground, and the office is no different. There’s this colleague of mine who keeps prodding me every now and then in the office that at one time, when i spotted a shadow lurking behind me, i actually tried to dodge and put up my left arm to try parry the incoming attack. Turns out it wasn’t that colleague, and that person wasn’t even walking towards me…he was just going back to his seat. Then my other colleagues were staring at me weirdly…..