Sunday, October 5, 2008


That was the high pitch sound that was ringing in our ears when we drove for dinner. My parents said that they heard the same sound when we drove out in the afternoon so it must be something wrong with the car. I tried switching off the radio....nope not from there. "Hmm's maybe it's the air-con fan, sometimes when it needs greasing it makes noises like these" my dad says. So i turn off the air-con. The sound still persists. "Tomorrow must spray WD40 on every part of the car already lol. I remember last time my old car we took forever to find the source of the noise. In the end there was this gap between the spark plug and (insert) and we didn't know we needed to install metal discs in between until we read the manual. Last time the cars like that one," my dad continued.

So we arrived home. When my dad switched off the engine the sound was still there. "Hmm must be the alarm system short circuit already," my dad says. When we went inside the house we were like "wah even inside can hear man so noisy". Then we went upstairs to watch tv and we can still hear the sound very clearly. So my dad decided the disconnect the main battery of the car so when the backup battery for the alarm system runs out the sound will stop. And it did stop after all.

Suddenly, the sound came back on. This time, to add to the mystery, my dad went down to check and realised, its not coming from the car anymore! "Wah, it seems the neighbour's car also got the same problem ar, its not from the car!" my dad claimed. My mom could not believe it and she went to double check and also found out that it wasn't from the car anymore. And for some reason, the sound is even louder when heard from upstairs....

After going through all the trouble, we came to realise that the sound was actually.....a button stuck on my dad's phone >.< And he hung his pants in his room, so of course can hear in the house and it's louder upstairs la!



now i know where u get it from.