Ups and Downs in Basketball
I just came back from my usual Monday night basketball, and today's games were giving me mixed feelings. Our team had a good run in the beginning, we won the first and lost by a point in the second. They were both very good games and i didn't mind losing the second one at all. But after waiting a while we had another game, this time versus a lesser team. At least i thought so. We should have been able to win the match, but we didn't. And it was frustrating, especially when we had the same team that was so wonderful before. So we lost in a matter of minutes and decided to call it a night. I was tired.
Up :
Driving down the baseline and scoring on an impossible angle layup against a center to heads taller than you.
Down :
Missing a wide open three pointer on the next posession.
Up :
Throwing a pin point pass to a cutting teammate along the baseline for an easy hoop.
Down :
Throwing the perfect lob to a running teammate on the fast break only to blunder a wide open layup.
Up :
On an opposing fastbreak, dashing back on defense and managed to stop a wide open layup even though he started running much earlier than you.
The most frustrating play(s) of the night. On an opposing fastbreak, dashing back on defense and managed to stop a wide open layup. Ball swings to the trailer on the wing and you manage to prevent and open layup too. A shadow runs behind you and you hope its your teammate after you manage to stall the offense for so long, but its not. An easy lob and an easy basket.
You know, it's acceptable when its 3 on 2 during a fastbreak and another defender running back to make it 3-3. Its ok if your opponent scores on you like that. At least your team is hustling back on D. But if its 2 on 1 and the next person running back is still not your teammate, you know things are fucked up. (Also the fact that it was on more than one play and the fast break wasn't
But recently i've been having good runs with good teams these past few i guess its ok to have a shitty night once in a while. Last week i was in a team that was unbeaten the whole two hours....that was really special. Well, i'm looking forward to next week!
April 17, 2008 at 1:51 PM
I agree.
The trailer should be a teammate rather than an opponent on transition defense.
No hustle sucks.
April 18, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Yeah man it was so frustrating. Some more once you lose you have to wait like 20 minutes before the next game
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