Monday, June 18, 2007

I've Been a Bad Bad Boi

I did something that i shouldn't have....putting the tele and my Wii in MY ROOM!!!! Omg!!!! And i did it before exams too! What a bad move..... Oh well at least it was fun studying this time :P

Now that the holidays are starting i can finally sleep well, go to gym regularly and not to mention tons of Wii gaming. Looking forward to going to Sydney on Friday and then when i get back i'll be expecting Keth Lyn and Joo Yee! Better clean up my room before then lol must not leave a bad impression (although it has to be even cleaner when my parents come over end of the yr).

On a side note, it's freaking FREEZING here in Melbourne! Ironically when I'm back in Malaysia i couldn't stand a minute without air-conditioning........ now i got my wish. That brings me to my latest poll, which do you prefer: a freezing winter or a scorching summer?